Saturday, November 27, 2010

Foot and ankle surgery

Foot and ankle surgery is a sub-specialty of orthopedics and podiatry that deals with the treatment, diagnosis and prevention of disorders of the foot and ankle. The typical training of an orthopedic foot and ankle surgeon consist of four years of college, four years of medical school, one year surgical internship, 5–6 years of orthopedic training and a 1 year fellowship in foot and ankle surgery. Training for a podiatric foot and ankle surgeon consists of four years of college, four years of podiatric medical school and 2-4 years of a surgical residency. One can also make the distinction between a podiatric and orthopedic foot and ankle surgeon: an orthopedic surgeon has an allopathic medical degree and training that encompasses both orthopedic residency and a 6-month to one year of fellowship training specific in techniques of foot and ankle surgery, while the training of a podiatrist consist of a 4 year podiatric medical degree and mandatory two to four year residency training specific to foot and ankle medicine and surgery, with a possibility of an additional 1 year fellowship.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


The site is about foot and ankle surgery, Robert Tomlinson MD can give you service according your needs. These are most important parts of your body and must be fit always, thanks a lot.