Friday, January 21, 2011

Scope of the specialty

Colorectal surgical disorders include:
  1. varicosities or swelling, and inflammation of veins in the rectum and anus (Hemorrhoids)
  2. unnatural cracks or tears in the anus (Anal fissures)
  3. abnormal connections or passageways between the rectum or other anorectal area to the skin surface (Fistulas)
  4. severe constipation conditions
  5. fecal incontinence
  6. protrusion of the walls of the rectum through the anus (Rectal prolapse)
  7. birth defects such as the imperforate anus
  8. treatment of severe colic disorders, such as Crohn's disease
  9. cancer of the colon and rectum (Colorectal cancer)
  10. anal cancer (rare)
  11. any injuries to the anus
  12. removal of objects deliberately inserted into anus

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good to know the scope of such surgery.These are very helpful as there is a rise in colon cancer also and the constipation can get to such extreme as to need a port beach plastic surgery recovery